Face Fears & Gain Confidence: Feel at home in your body

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Today's Ask Kelsey question touches on the part of us that is worried about taking flight and the answer is all about coming home to and feeling safe in our bodies - in this moment, just as we are. 

Whenever we go out of our comfort zone to attempt something new, it can be terrifying. And the bigger the leap, the more likely old limiting beliefs are going to crop up like weeds to keep you "safe." I put it in quotes because really it's just keeping you small. 

Yet the more we feel at home in our bodies, the more we can be present and available to newness because we start to realize that we are already safe, no matter where we go, what we do or what we choose to accomplish. 

Watch the video and then read additional deliciousness below!

Now that you are more present and available, here's a few additional resources that will help you continually feel safe and at home:

Start & Maintain a Daily Self-Love Practice

This is transformative. Giving yourself love on a daily basis is essential for having more energy for all your big desires. You can use one of the tools from the video above to become your daily practice or if you want more options and support click here to gain access to my free Self-Care From Scratch Webinar

Recover from Physical Trauma

Depending on what type of injury or physical trauma you have experienced, your healing journey will differ. But no matter what you've experienced, most injuries and surgeries leave the mind-body system feeling vulnerable as a breach of boundary has occurred (be it a physical blow, fall, or even invasive surgery). I find it's important to recreate safe boundaries and rewire our physical foundation for connection and ease. How do you do that? This is one of my favorite tools to help: Navel Radiation: A Healing Tool For Trauma. 

Be Willing To Ask For & Receive Support

Whether you seek out a coach, holistic healer, therapist or merely ask the angels and your dear friends to rally around you, don't be afraid to ask for help. You are worthy of all that you desire and if I've learned anything on my own healing and entrepreneurial journey, it's that we go farther when we go together. 

Thank you so much for tuning in! If you enjoyed this post or video, please repost and share. 

If you have a question, click here to submit it, and if you want to receive ongoing free love, a meditation and all my Ask Kelsey videos in your email inbox, then click here to sign up.

So much love,
