Posts tagged trauma
Expectation versus Acceptance: Pregnancy & Covid-19

About a month ago I had this entire post prepared about expectation versus acceptance - and then Covid-19 arrived to the United States and life as we knew it changed.

In my original post I talked specifically about expectation versus acceptance in my pregnancy journey.

As I moved into my second trimester I had an expectation that I would “feel better” only to be constantly hit with the reality of, “I don’t feel better,” and the following week, “Nope, not better yet!”

After a great deal of resistance I finally stopped berating myself for not meeting my expectation of wellness and fully accepted that I didn’t feel better and that was okay.

My self-acceptance was not an invitation to dwell or wallow in my awful state, but rather an invitation to stay present in my current reality and in turn, take loving actions to honor that reality and improve my state with love.

This was a big shift from what I had been doing which was running into walls of self-judgment and brute psychological force. AKA: “You will feel better because you are supposed to feel better!” Which was followed by: “What is wrong with you? Why don’t you feel better yet?”

Self-acceptance and loving action was a much kinder route as you can see.

The reason I’m giving you a shortened version of my original post is because life has changed and this lesson of expectation versus acceptance has expanded in light of our current new reality.

We live at the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic here in NYC, which is a strange sensation to say the least…

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Face Fears & Gain Confidence: Feel at home in your body

Whenever we go out of our comfort zone to attempt something new, it can be terrifying. And the bigger the leap, the more likely old limiting beliefs are going to crop up like weeds to keep you "safe." 

Today's Ask Kelsey question touches on the part of us that is worried about taking flight and the answer is all about coming home to and feeling safe in our bodies - in this moment, just as we are. 

The more safe and embodied we feel, the more we can be present and available to newness because we start to realize that we are already safe, no matter where we go, what we do or what we choose to accomplish…

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