Posts tagged self-worth
Sometimes Abundance Feels Uncomfortable - And That's Okay

When we claim a new level of abundance our life shifts - how we manage our time, listen to our body, spend our money and navigate our day-to-day changes. These changes may be exactly what we desire, but when we actually step into them it might feel a bit awkward and uncomfortable, even terrifying.

This is because making changes also means loss. We lose an old part of ourselves, an old habit, or an old routine that felt comforting and safe.

Alongside loss, we also have to be prepared to receive.

We can be given the most amazing gifts in the entire world, but if we feel unworthy, we will not enjoy them...

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Are You Resisting or Receiving?

If I said something nice to you, would you resist, deny or even redirect it? Or would you be open and fully receive the gift of it?

About a month ago, I put this experiment to the test with my viewers on Facebook.

I was participating for a second time in the #itsSafetoShine #21DayVideoChallenge with my friend, Jenn Lederer. The challenge meant that I would show up via Facebook Live everyday for 21 days.  

Now, when I first did this challenge...

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